Monday, December 29, 2008

New webkinz

Hey did you know I play webkinz? Well I do. Here is a picture of my newest webkinz. Find pic on screen.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I got Club Penguin on DS

Hey! I got the club penguin video game for DS! It is cool. It comes with a code that lets you unlock the secret agent command room! Even if you know where the command room is you cannot access it until you get the game. I have no pics, sorry!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to beat sensei

Hey I found a way to beat sensei! First you must be a black belt. Then challenge sensei. At first he is very hard but after about 10x of facing him you will win and get the ninja mask! If you are a member you can buy the ninja costume!

Friday, November 28, 2008

There is going to be a new game coming soon!

Hey I am very happy to announce that I will open a club penguin remake soon called Penguin World. This will be a MMOCG wich is what club penguin is. I have no avalible pictures. Here is a secret that will be in it: if you get 100% on the PWQ(penguin world quiz) game you can be a white ninja wich means you are a mod.
I will post the link as soon as the game is avalible.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

PC3 ninjas

There used to be a version of club penguin called Penguin Chat 3(abrioveated as PC3) that also had ninjas. many people say that the costumes are exactly the same but PC3 had a sword on the back of the ninja. here is a link to see a pic. copy and paste it

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to get high belts.

Well I promised a post on how to get some high belts, so now I am on it! first you have to play on the mats and win many times and then play comppetition mode. by the time you do this many times you will have some high belts. (I do not have any tips on how to beat sensei but you can see if has any for you).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ninjas Released!

Well after the long wait since 2005 ninjas have been released right now I am a white belt because everything just started and all but I will soon inform you on how to get some high belts if possible.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Club Penguin Ninja Training

CLub Penguin is having ninja training! starting on 11/17/08 you can be a ninja by winning a card game that will be placed in the Dojo. As soon as I become a ninja I will make a post of that.


Sorry that I haven't posted but my ,computer broke but now I can continue posting!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Experimental Penguins found!

If you have been on musics penguin chat you think it is a copy of pengin chat, right. Boy were you wrong it is rielly the first Club Penguin ever it was called Experimental Penguins. if you want to go on go to
Just look at the copywright in the bottom left hand cornor and it says it is Experemental Penguins made by Rocketsnail Games and all the copywright stuff.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cool Games! this is a penguin chat 3 remake ! this is a mario game!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Website is copywright

if you copy anything off this site your site WILL be shut down Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Awesome CP Cheat

Here is a cheat on how to chat in Ultimate Safe Chat servers. Also, here are the instructions.

1. Login.

2. Choose any Ultimate Safe Chat server.

3. While it's loading, click the arrows as they touch your cursor.

4. Start chatting away!

NOTE: Video by: Darty1000. Post was typed out by: Nextthousand. (MOST CREDIT GOES TO DARTY1000 FOR MAKING THE VIDEO.)